Barren Origin Of Barren

Power lays barren 不毛を産む動力 (13,450,000 Scenario xp)
Conversation with Fireryi フィレリィ at Erirudan desert エリルダン砂漠
Conversation Event in Regusu factory town 工場都市レグス
2nd floor conversation event (105.76) →
3rd floor conversation event (26.96) →
Combat Jabekku ジャベック Lv206 inside the control room and obtain the key to the mystery 謎の鍵入手
Go to the outback Kyurioruto キュリオルト
Open the door behind Garrel ガレル
and Combat Blitz thunder dragon 雷竜ブリッツ Lv205 →
Go to the control room at Regusu factory town 工場都市レグス
Approach control device to combat Jabekku ジャベック

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