
Welcome. We are a friendly, and always… evolving for some reason. Still.

If you want to join, find Dez, who's on both servers in turn or Cecaniah, mostly on Flammel hunting at Dark Wastelands or at Rokoko city. Or, find any of the members shown below.


For a heads up, here's the old list of members:

New list:


*If your name isn't on the list and you're in the guild, accept my apologies ^^

*If you left the guild and your name isn't in the ex-members, it's probably just that we don't miss you >:3 (Ah, kidding… Don't kill me.)

Not much here. Oh, if anyone can change the logo on the OTHER page, that would be great.
In terms of Guild Events… I don't know.
You can just ask around.
Or, you can just log in / sign up an account and post stuff here. I guess. :D

PS. Awesome screenshots, anyone?


/Is it just me, or was there a BloodMaster page before this? O.o Did it get deleted or something?/

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